Thursday, March 21, 2019
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
8:15 am to 8:30 am
Welcome and Introduction
8:30 am to 9:15 am
“Using the Power of Nutrition for Health”—Neal Barnard, MD
This program will describe how food choices increase or decrease the risk of diabetes and how diet changes can improve type 2 diabetes, sometimes making it disappear altogether. The program also presents evidence regarding a nutritional approach to weight loss and improving heart health, along with practical details on how to transition to a healthier diet and how to ensure complete nutrition.
- Understand how intramyocellular lipid contributes to type 2 diabetes
- Explain the body of evidence supporting the use of plant-based diets for type 2 diabetes management
- Describe the mechanisms by which a low-fat vegan diet leads to weight loss, even when used without calorie limits
- Describe the need for vitamin B12 supplementation with a vegan diet
- Describe a lifestyle approach proven to reverse heart disease
9:15 am to 10:00 am
“Diabetes in Olmsted County and the Diabetes Prevention Programs at a Lifestyle Medicine Approach”—Thomas Harman, MD, Jengyu Lai, DPM, and Malia Ray, MD
Diabetes affects 30 million US adults while another 84 million have prediabetes. I in 3 US adults have prediabetes but 90% of them are unaware of this diagnosis. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% of the cases of diabetes, and is largely lifestyle related. Therefore, the management of diabetes and prediabetes should include a lifestyle medicine approach. The presenters will discuss the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle that can improve and even reverse diabetes and/or prediabetes.
10:15 am to 10:45 am
“Gut Health”—Purna Kashyap, MBBS
The genomic revolution promises to transform our approach to treating patients by individualizing treatments, reducing adverse events and decreasing healthcare costs. The early advances using this have been realized primarily by optimizing preventive and therapeutic approaches in cancer using human genome sequencing. The ability to characterize the microbiome, which includes all the microbes that reside within and upon us and all their genetic elements, using next-generation sequencing, allows us to now incorporate this important contributor to human disease in developing new preventive and therapeutic strategies. In this presentation, I will discuss the tools to study microbiome composition and function, the factors that affect gut microbiome, the role of gut microbiome in normal host physiology, and the relevance of gut microbiome in human diseases with a focus on pathogenesis and treatment.
- Understand what the microbiome is, its role in overall health, and nutritional strategies for optimizing gut health
10:45 am to 11:15 am
“Toward a Sustainable Food System: Preserving Natural Resources for Improved Health”—Kelly Ray Kirpatrick
Changing our eating habits will have a more significant impact on our health and natural resources than any other daily activity we currently pursue. Our current food system has evolved to meet economic and industrial agriculture measures, but not to meet nutritional and environmental criteria. The correlation between increasing soil and water contamination and our declining physical health is uncanny. We have treated the land and water like we treat our bodies – throwing chemicals and mechanization at them, thinking these treatments would eliminate symptoms of ill health. There is no substitute for living soil, clean water, and a robust and healthy body. Sustainable change is necessary to deviate from the path we are on.
- Describe the similarities between soil and gut biology
- Explain the similarities between the conventional food production system and the medical system
- Understand why the way food is produced matters
- Understand the benefits for soil, water, and human health that a whole food plant-based diet creates
11:15 am to 11:45 am
“Finding the Balance: Women’s Health and Effects of Chronic Stress”—Carole Jenson, DNP
This session will address sources of stress, reaction to stressors, and strategies to find the right balance. An overview of chronic stress relating to chronic diseases including mental health, adrenal health, blood sugar imbalance, and inflammation will be presented. Lifestyle recommendations to restore balance and improve health will be discussed.
- Describe sources and effects of chronic stress
- Discuss lifestyle recommendations to decrease stress and restore balance
- Identify personal stressors and impacts on overall health
11:45 am – 12:45 pm
12:15 pm to 12:35 pm
Lunch and Learn: A Scientific-Based Lifestyle Medicine Educational Program—The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) and Results in the Community
Employee Health & Wellness
12:45 pm to 2:00 pm
“Employee’s Health = Employer’s Wealth”—Jengyu Lai, DPM
Healthcare spending has become one of the major concerns in any business. Poor employee health costs employers billions of dollars every year, while the health insurance premium and deductible keep rising. The presentation will introduce what a healthy lifestyle means, why adopts a healthy lifestyle and how it can improve the health of the employees and business finance. Additionally, we will present the total risk management plan that would manage the health, wellness, and work-related injuries. Speakers with various backgrounds and experiences with employee health and wellness will be featured in the presentation.
“Workplace Safety” – Lori Banks, PTA of Rochester Clinic
Educating employees and employers. Injury prevention. Show stretching. Address specific occupational physical demands. Office v. heavy lifting. Ergonomics. Stress mgmt. Assessments are important. Think about presentation to customers and patients. Expand to be applicable to many other occupations like butcher houses or banks or basket weaving companies—work zones: Not everyone is at the same height. Make adjustments to accommodate for various heights. Look at who is attending the conference and use the most common occupation. Cardinal will be there and the labor-intensive patients will be there too. Handicapped people – patients and caregivers. Be McNeilus Steel’s hero. Please contact if interested in services because there’s so much to talk about. Find a company to give stats and feedback.
Dr. Sal Lacagnina of Lee County Health System
Jack Priggen, CEO, of Cardinal of Minnesota
Travis Bretzman of McNeilus Steel
2:00 pm to 2:15 pm
2:15 pm to 2:50 pm
“Alternative Health Plan Options for Employers”—Sedera and Jory Zunich or Solarte
Your key to lowering healthcare costs—self-funded health plans with an independent third-party administrator.
- Learn what an independent third-party administrator is
- Learn how to control your health plan design
- Understand how employers hold the keys to reforming how we pay for healthcare
2:50 pm to 3:20 pm
“Cost-Effective Primary Care”—Jory Zunich of Solarte
Jory will present about Free Market Healthcare and Direct Contracting and how taking control will lower healthcare costs. Jory will use AMPLIFY as an example to show how a free market cash pay model works hand in hand with DPC.
- Understand how a Health Plan Design can utilize DPC and direct contracting
- Understand how employee incentives can lower costs
3:20 – 3:30
3:30 – 4:30
“How do you Design a Meaningful Wellness Program for Better Prevention?”
Friday, March 22, 2019
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
8:00 am to 8:15 am
Welcome and Introduction
8:30 am to 9:15 am
“Neuroplasticity and Emotional Intelligence”—Neil Nedley, MD
This program will describe how food choices increase or decrease the risk of diabetes and how diet changes can improve type 2 diabetes, sometimes making it disappear altogether. The program also presents evidence regarding a nutritional approach to weight loss and improving heart health, along with practical details on how to transition to a healthier diet and how to ensure complete nutrition.
- Understand the importance of neuroplasticity in enhancing I.Q. and E.Q.
- Understand the role of BDNF in enhancing positive neuroplasticity
- Know how BDNF can be enhanced by nutrition and lifestyle
- Understand the role of positive psychology interventions in enhancing neuroplasticity
9:15 am to 10:00 am
“Power Foods for the Brain”—Neal Barnard, MD
Recent studies have shown that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease may differ substantially based on several dietary and lifestyle factors, including the intake of saturated and trans fats, as well as the intake of iron and copper. Aerobic exercise may be protective. The program will focus on practical steps that can be employed to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
- Understand research findings on the relationships between fat intake and risk of Alzheimer’s disease
- Describe the role of metals, particularly iron and copper, in cognitive disorders
- Understand the role of exercise in modifying brain structure and cognitive capacity
10:00 am to 10:15 am
Stretching session by 125 LIVE
10:15 am to 10:45 am
“Sleep’s Role in Health and Chronic Diseases”—Thomas Harman, MD
Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout life. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety. Sleep helps your brain work properly. While you’re sleeping, your brain is preparing for the next day. It’s forming new pathways to help you learn and remember information. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and obesity. This presentation will explain the physiology of sleep and give tips about how to improve sleep without resorting to pharmacological agents, which increase the risk of dementia in later life.
- Identify key factors indicating insufficient or poor-quality sleep
- Identify lifestyle-based activities that can improve sleep health
- Understand the role of light exposure and melatonin in sleep health
- Identify light exposure adjustments that support improved sleep
- Identify 1-2 adjustments related to meal composition and timing that improve sleep
10:45 am to 11:00 am
“New Treatment Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease”—Malia Ray, MD
- Overview of the Bredesen Protocol
- Learning Objectives
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Aromatherapy—Letticia Callies
When we think about our health, our brain is not usually on the top of the list. Yet the brain is one of the largest, most complex organs in the human body. The brain plays a critical role in everything we do from thinking, feeling, and remembering to working, playing and sleeping. Many people suffer from mental and emotional health imbalances on a daily basis without realizing the impact it is having on overall health and brain function. In this session, Letticia Callies, a clinical certified aromatherapist at the Rochester Clinic, will empower you with information on how essential oils work to support the brain and how you can improve your mental and emotional health in just minutes a day. She will guide you through an aromatherapy care technique that will give you the opportunity to experience the impact of essential oils on the limbic system. She will also provide you with a simple plan that will help you to be intentional about supporting your mental wellness and emotional health.
- Discuss emotional and mental health imbalances including anxiety, depression, worry, stress, memory, and low self-esteem/self-worth
- Briefly describe essential oils and the anatomy of olfaction in relation to the brain and nervous system
- Describe how essential oils can be used to support brain health
- Experience how to enhance mental and emotional health using aromatherapy care techniques
11:30 am to 12:00 pm
Lunch and Learn: A Scientific-Based Lifestyle Medicine Educational Program—The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) and Results in the Community
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Panel Discussion
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Natalie Gentile, MD
Adopted lifestyle medicine as a young physician; will give an overview of the role a physician can play in an inter-professional healthcare team to help patients adopt sustainable lifestyle changes.
Dr. Robert Bonacci
Being a Family Medicine Residency Program Director, Dr. Bonacci will present how to mentor future lifestyle medicine physicians and how comprehensive healthcare is being integrated into residency programs
Mei Liu
Board member for the Lotus Health Foundation; will emphasize the purpose of the foundation and the steps it is taking to achieve its goals.
Amy Rice Blackstad
Trainer and employee of 23 years for Cardinal of Minnesota; will provide training in Mental Health First Aid to help spread mental health awareness.
Thomas Harman, MD
Family doctor of the Rochester Clinic; will talk about how primary care is starting to take a lifestyle medicine approach.